Wednesday 6 July 2016

Argentina’s Patagonia in Winter – a meteorological surprise!

2016 Jun 25-Jul 3

Nota: publicado en Inglés: vamos a editar e incluir versión en español pronto. 

We had a week to spend in Comodoro Rivadavia, probably not on most people’s lists of beach resorts for a week in June. Our expectation was for wind, cold, and probably snow, so we headed south armed with winter boots, thermal underwear, and double-layered winter jackets. Our connection time in Buenos Aires gave us sufficient time for a wander around La Plata and its remarkable cathedral, followed by lunch at Cabaña las Lilas in Puerto Madero, always a pleasure, and the terrace was heated sufficiently to permit eating with a view of the harbour, although the day was “fresh”, around 10o C.

We then headed south to Comodoro Rivadavia, arriving as the sun was setting, having flown above a clear sunlit coastline. 

So, it was sunnier than expected, however no doubt even colder than normal as a consequence. It was not! On arrival we found it warm, if not actually balmy, and walked down to the harbour for dinner in temperatures higher than those in Buenos Aires earlier in the day.

The following day was beautiful, with temperatures up to 21o C! We had rented a car for our one free day, and took off northwards along the coast to Bahia Bustamante, initially on the Ruta Nacional, with little evidence of wildlife, however once we turned onto the road to Bahia Bustamante within 200m we encountered a wild fax, following which we came upon guanaco in numbers, ñandú, and a variety of birdlife, including a possible condor (a little distant for clear identification). 

Arriving at the coast, we walked down to the beach and enjoyed a picnic on the sands, in temperatures one would be pleased to experience in the same setting in mid-summer.

We then made our way along Ruta 1, the coast road, to Cabo dos Bahias, stopping from time to time, and finally arriving at the Loberia in the Nature Reserve, seeing sealions basking in the sun. From here we headed for Camarones, hoping to find a place for a (very) late lunch before heading back to Comodoro Rivadavia. As one might expect, nothing was open at this time of day other than the YPF gas station, where we filled up before heading back to the Ruta Nacional. We ate empanadas and salami at the crossroads and then drove back to Comodoro, under a brilliant starscape, the clear skies giving an amazing view of the heavens.

The weather for the rest of the week continued to be sunny and warm; on the following evening we went for a long walk along the costanera and back through town, and had to take off our jackets since it was too hot to continue with them on. We enjoyed centolla several times, this being far enough south to find this on the menu in the restaurants. We also dined one evening with Jorge and his family, whom we had not seen since visiting Comodoro Rivadavia on our trip around South America a few years ago (www. We bought delicious chocolate-covered cherries and torta galesa, although the latter did not live up to the standard set in El Bolsón. We were surprised to find a Carmello Patti 2002 Cabernet for a remarkably good price, and took advantage of the presence of Cardon in the town.


We flew back to Buenos Aires on Friday evening and spent Saturday there before heading home on Sunday, meeting Wilfredo for an excellent lunch at Don Julio in Palermo, visiting the Yoko Ono exhibition at MALBA, and dining at Il Ballo del Mattone in the evening. The following day, home again.


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